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Robert Davis Potatoes

As a leading supplier of potatoes, Robert Davis Potatoes wished to reduce their fixed overheads. As an operator of chilled food storage, electricity is one of their highest costs. We spoke to the team at Pipers Farm in order to explain the benefits of Solar PV to their business. Upon doing so, Harvest explained the different funding options available and we agreed upon a Power Purchase Agreement.

By agreeing to the PPA contract, Harvest agreed to fund the install and sell the generated energy to Pipers Farm at an agreed rate. We installed the 250kW Solar PV array in March 2019 over a couple of weeks. The array is optimised by SolarEdge allowing full visibility on system performance. This allows us to maximise the amount of energy generated and keep downtime and repair costs to a minimum.


Please click here for more details on our Power Purchase Agreements.

Please click here if you would like to view the system performance.


Technology utilised on this high quality installation:


Hanwha Q Cells

S Flex